This short quiz will help you identify your symptoms.
You'll be able to email or print your responses at the end so you can discuss them with your doctor.
About your symptoms
If you have symptoms like swollen feet or ankles, shortness of breath walking upstairs, or a need to sleep propped up on pillows, it’s important to track them over time in case they’re related to your heart condition, which could be heart failure.
Heart failure might sound alarming, but it doesn’t mean your heart has ‘failed’. It’s the term doctors use when your heart can’t pump oxygenated blood around your body as well as it should.
There are two types of heart failure:

Although heart failure requires life-long medical management, there’s lots you can do to look after
your heart, like keeping track of what your heart is trying to tell you.
Even with heart failure, you can still do the things you love — socialising with family, everyday things around the house, or going for walks. Download the symptom tracker below to help monitor your symptoms each day and discuss your results with your doctor.
Symptom tracker
Download our symptom tracker to help you monitor the impact of heart failure on your life.
Once you have tracked your symptoms, you can use the 'Talking to your doctor' guide below to help you talk to your GP about how you are feeling.
5 signs of possible heart failure
A persistent dry cough, being left breathless by everyday activities, or lying propped upright as the only way to breathe comfortably at night… Any of these could be due to fluid build up in the lungs caused by heart failure - even fluid retention around your feet or ankles making shoes tight and uncomfortable.

Understanding your symptoms
If you would like more information about heart failure, the resources below may help. They cover living with heart failure, talking to your doctor and the common symptoms of heart failure.

Know your symptoms
This short summary covers the 5 possible signs and symptoms of heart failure to be aware of and discuss with your doctor.

Talking to your doctor
This guide contains useful tips and information on discussing how you are feeling with your doctor. It includes advice on what to do before, during and after your appointment.

Living whole-heartedly: A guide for living with heart failure
This booklet has been specially developed to provide more information on heart failure, what it is, how it is treated and how to monitor and live with this condition.